A few sentences from each post gives you an idea of what the post is about. Click on the title to go to the post:
January 2014 - Are you bearing a cross? - This true post is about an over-worked missionary who ended up in the hospital.
February 2014 - Heavenly drinking - This post is about my experience in trying to be a part of a bar ministry.
March 2014 - You don't need a sword - This post is about the amazing power that Jesus has available to Him.
April 2014 - What makes a fool a fool? - The biblical definition of a fool is not simply a matter of intellectual embrace of concepts. It has everything to do with whether one lives as a responsive, loving child of God in a world filled with God' beloved creatures.
May 2014 - Hugging: Helping children behave - This Adlerian parenting principle posits that children need more nurturance from the adults in their lives.
June 2014 - Shine for Him! - You can be assured that when God made you, He knew what He was doing. When you stand before God in eternity, it is only His opinion that will matter. So, why are you waiting around on the mountain top or in the deepest ocean waiting for somebody to see you before you shine?
July 2014 - The silent treatment - This post written by Drs Les & Leslie Parrott cautions that using the silent treatment in marriage is manipulative, disrespectful and non-productive.
August 2014 - The sin of being good - This post written by Rev Erik Cooper speaks to the sin of trying to earn our own righteousness.
September 2014 - What porn does to intimacy - This secular piece of research from Psychology Today notes "Pornography is not as benign as you think, especially when it comes to romantic relationships."
October 2014 - A safer world than before - Dr Howard Snyder posits that the world is actually getting safer. He concludes, "Let’s not buy into the popular pseudo-Christian myth that our world is inevitably and irredeemably going to the dogs. The gospel is more powerful than that."
November 2014 - Excitement about heaven - This personal post may be too heavenly minded to be of any earthly good....
December 2014 - The real St. Nicholas - This well-researched biography of St Nicholas clears up any misconceptions of what this man was truly like.