A few sentences from each post gives you an idea of what the post is about. Click on the title to go to the post:
January 2015 - God Welcome But Not Necessary. This post written by Rev Adam Cheek regards hollow holiness.
February 2015 - Praying while working. This post, written by Dr Baare of Seedbed, give practical advice about how to pray at work.
March 2015 - What porn costs me. This true confession is from a reader of Ironstrikes that admits how porn lead him to molest his daughter and what he learned from his crime.
April 2015 - University professor says pedophilia is "natural and normal" - Readers were alarmed (and rightly so) about this piece of reporting regarding a university professor attempts to justify sinfulness.
May 2015 - Being Mom: A Mother's Day Video - Readers just love the Skit Guys...
June 2015 - Entire sanctification in the early church - This post, written by Rev Matt O'Reilly demonstrates that entire sanctification didn't start with John Wesley.
July 2015 - Christians using the "F" word - This post, written by J. Lee Grady discusses how profanity is not appropriate for Christians.
August 2015 - 7 Negative effects of porn - This post lets readers know that porn has lasting effects.
September 2015 - Sexually arousing dreams - Readers appreciated the practical advice about how to handle sexually arousing dreams, especially if they trigger a latent addiction.
October 2015 - 7 signs you are a phony Christian - Readers of the Ironstrikes blog really want to be holy.
November 2015 - This is a University, not a day care! - A true story about how Oklahoma Wesleyan University is not going to coddle the politically correct sensibilities of students so prevalent on University campuses.
December 2015 - The Uncontrolling Love of God - Dr Oord presents his thesis about the problem of evil in the world.