1. Somewhat true. Regardless of what some say, many men say they felt forced into unwanted sex to either prove themselves or comply with peer pressure.
2. True. Data suggests that "very religious" men are more vulnerable to sexual sin than "religious men."
3. True. High cholesterol can inhibit full erections.
4. False. Men do not experience menopause. Hormones decline gradually but the majority of men remain sexually interested until they die. However, frequency of sexual behavior does decline.
5. False. At first, when married, men decrease the frequency of their masturbation. However, the behavior of masturbating to pornography that was learned in adolescence is often difficult to break.
6. True. Men in American culture are obsessed with giving and receiving oral sex. However, many women find this type of sexual activity quite repugnant.
7. False. When men get married, lust does not subside. Men must learn to redirect their arousal back to their spouse.
8. True. A sexually repressed upbringing creates excessive guilt around sexual feelings and may set up an obsessive need for masturbation.
9. D. Most men think about sex several times a day, often several times within the same hour. This does not change as a man grows older.
10. D. 70% of men complain that they don't get enough sex compared with 58 % of women.
11. B. The average American male has his first sexual encounter at age 16. However, as the age of puberty continues to drop, there are reports that many males have their first experience at age 11 or younger.
12. D. Most males have their sexual beliefs shaped by pornography. Exposure begins before age 13. Pornography distorts a man's view of how women feel about sex and what can be reasonably expected from sex and sets them up for disappointment. Real women cannot possibly measure up to the air-brushed, color-enhanced, glossy photography that pornography teaches men is the standard.
Adapted from The Sexual Man: Masculinity without guilt