This seems to be the way that many men think. Hugh Hefner is considered by many men to be a "real man" because he has women available to him.
However, the truth is, Hugh Hefner exploits women and engages in sex trafficking. The Playboy bunny has become a popular symbol. It attracts women as well as men. Sadly, women are willing to be exploited because they think it makes them popular, makes them money, and makes them famous.
Men are attracted to the Playboy bunny because it allows them to act with their third knee and seek sensuality. When they do so, they brag about their sexual exploits, have sexual contests with other men, and put down men who are faithful to one woman and one God. In other words, these men act like weenies.
The truth is:
- The more promiscuous you are before marriage, the more likely you are to commit adultery AFTER marriage.
- Couples who engage in sex before marriage are far more likely to divorce
So, when you are tempted to use your third knee, know that this is true: a real man uses his left and right knees the most. He uses them by kneeling in prayer and submission to his Savior and Deliverer.