When reading this passage today, I am deeply convicted by the implications. I know that, as a human, I consistently miss the mark when it comes to my behavior, thought patterns, and responses. I also fully recognize that I am not called to simply embrace my sinful nature and accept it as if it were inevitable and unable to be redeemed.
To understand this passage better, we first have to study what the word “gospel” means. Many know that this word means “good news”, but sometimes just saying this doesn’t give a full picture of what the word is conveying. In the Greek language, the word we translate into “gospel” is somewhat of a military term that describes victory after a battle or a war. The “good news” is, “you can stop fighting, we are victorious!” So, for instance, when the angels proclaimed “good news of great joy” in reference to the newly born baby Jesus, they were referring to an end to an era and a beginning of a new one. Also, later, we see John the Baptist with the same message of “good news” (giving sight to the blind and setting the captives free).
The fact is, sin and death has been defeated. We do not have to hold on to our sinful life and tendencies as if they are security blankets. Only God can give us the grace, mercy, and resources to overcome, but it is a daily battle. The difference with this battle is that it is meant to be fought by God on our behalf. The trouble comes when we try to fight it ourselves or simply succumb to a life lived apart from Him. If He is truly Lord of our life, and in control, then we have to have faith that He can do what He says he will. Sin is only inevitable if we are in charge.
So, even though we are imperfect, we are still called to live a life that looks like Jesus (see also Ephesians 4:1). It is not easy to give the rights to our life over to the one who created it, but it is a process we are in as Christ followers. Each day, we have the ability to wake up and claim that Christ is victorious. Not only with our words, but also with our actions. The more we follow Christ and earnestly seek Him, the more natural it becomes to resist sin.
Great news folks... We won! Let’s behave as if we are on the winning team. The world needs for us to do this. We are Christ's ambassadors.
Prayer for today: Jesus, I know I am imperfect. Help me to be more like you each day. Help me to resist temptation, and live a victorious life. Amen.
This post was written by Rev DeCrastos. You can find his blog here: www.ministrysauce.com