I would like to think that God talking to me isn’t unusual, that he speaks to all people at all ages and stages of life; however, some don’t recognize His voice. Having become a Christian a year earlier, I believe that I had an idea of what God’s voice was like. Now, I’m not talking about a voice from the heavens but a still, small voice that comes from within but it is apparent it is not your own thoughts.
Recently I was driving in northern Indiana and I came upon Winona Lake. This was a place where the Free Methodist Church had it’s denominational conferences for a while when I was younger. I remember one instance when I was 7 years old, I was allowed to go fishing by myself in the lake. I was under a bridge and could see all the sunfish and was trying to figure out how to get bait to catch them. I had a pole, line and a hook. I couldn’t find any grasshoppers or any bugs big enough to put on the hook.
So, I pretended that I had bait on the hook and threw the line with the empty hook into the water. I couldn’t believe what happened…the fish were attracted to the shiny, new hook and bit at it! I could see them bite at the hook as they were just a few feet from the bank and the water was clear.
I don’t remember catching any fish but I do remember God speaking to me. I heard God say, “See how those fish are attracted to something that could kill them? They keep biting at it because it looks interesting but they’re gonna get hooked.” I kept watching them knock the hook around and biting at it. Then I heard God say, “There are things that are gonna look good but they could kill you. You need to trust me to guide you.” I remember saying, “yes” out loud and asking God to guide me.
Statistically, evangelism is most effective among kids. It used to be that 90% Christians became so before the age of 18. That stat is now down to 64%: https://www.barna.org/component/content/article/5-barna-update/45-barna-update-sp-657/196-evangelism-is-most-effective-among-kids#.VxwcqlKPYZE
Now that I am looking back, I can see that my willingness to yield to God’s guidance has saved me a lot of heartache. I’m glad. I’m not saying that I have been a perfect person, but these conversations with God at a young age have been anchors in my life, times that I can remember and that the Holy Spirit brings to my mind when I encounter situations that could be harmful.
So, please talk to children about God. Plant seeds in their hearts, help them to know that God speaks to them and that they need to say “yes” to Him when he does.