We read in I Kings 21st chapter, that Ahab and Jezebel wanted to buy a vineyard that belonged to Naboth, and Naboth did not desire to sell his vineyard, and refused to take their offer, whereupon Queen Jezebel laid a plan whereby they might get Naboth's vineyard. She notified the leaders of Israel to proclaim a great feast, and while the feast was on, to prefer charges against Naboth, as though he had committed some bad crime, and take him out and stone him to death. They stoned him at the pool of Samaria, and the dogs licked up his blood, whereupon, Jezebel called Ahab, and told him to go down and take possession of Naboth's vineyard, for said she, "Naboth is dead, and is not alive," and God sent the Prophet Elijah to meet Ahab at Naboth's vineyard, and Elijah said, "Behold, in the same place that the dogs licked up Naboth's blood, shall the dogs lick up thy blood, even thine." And we read that Ahab was killed in battle, and brought back to the pool of Samaria in a chariot, and that the blood was washed out of the chariot, and the dogs licked it up where they did the blood of Naboth.
Then Elijah declared again that the dogs would eat the flesh of Jezebel, and we turn and read in II Kings, the 9th chapter and the 36th verse, that when Jehu was anointed king and went into Samaria and had a great feast, that Jezebel dressed up and looked down from the upper story at the young king. He commanded his servants to go up and pitch her out of the window head foremost into the streets and kill her, and when his dinner was over, he told the servants to go and bury her, but behold the dogs had eaten her up, and nothing remained but her head and feet and palms of her hands. Then Jehu said, "This is the word of the Lord, that the dogs shall eat up Jezebel."
Robinson, Reuben A. (Bud). The Collected Works of 'Uncle Bud' Robinson (Kindle Locations 2592-2609). Jawbone Digital. Kindle Edition.