Well now, beloved, this last expression that the Lord calls "joy unspeakable and full of glory" is the biggest thing that a man ever saw. It is so big that it looks a good deal like a man had thrown away his spoon and jumped into the river, or the footlog broke and the man fell headforemost into a hogshead of honey and got drowned, or it makes a fellow feel like he was lying down in a hundred-acre field of red top clover, where a thousand bald-headed bumblebees had their bills in the clover blossoms, and as they look over at a fellow they just grinned and said, "Don't talk to us about the high cost of living, for we have more than we can use." Now, beloved, that is just a faint hint at "joy unspeakable and full of glory." Sometimes it comes in such waves that you want to leap up and down. At other times you want to keep quiet, at other times you want to sit down and cry, and at other times you can't keep from laughing, and then the Lord blesses your heart. Maybe the next wave that strikes you you will laugh and cry both at the same time, and you couldn't tell what you were laughing at and you never will know what you were crying about, but it is one of the manifestations of "joy unspeakable and full of glory."
Robinson, Reuben A. (Bud). The Collected Works of 'Uncle Bud' Robinson (Kindle Locations 3716-3729). Jawbone Digital. Kindle Edition.