Daily in our culture, we are bombarded with messages that we are too fat, too thin, too tall, too short, too dark, too light. In order to sell us products to fix whatever is "wrong" with us, advertisers have capitalized on the oldest trick in the book: they have imitated the tactics of the enemy in the Garden of Eden!
In Genesis 3, the serpent suggests that things could be a little bit better if Adam and Eve just eat of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Doubting God's character, they took the bait. With their eyes now opened, Adam and Eve experienced shame for the first time.
Shame is that voice that tells us that there is something wrong with us, that we are not quite acceptable the way we are.
God's Word liberates us from this kind of shame, lies, and deception. Over and over in Genesis 1, God announces that His creation is good. It wasn't a qualified good -- that creation was only good on sunny days or when the land was particularly fruitful. It wasn't just good when man's muscles were firm and his skin was flawless.
No, God looked over all that He had made and without reservation or qualification called it good.
To cling to the truth that God's creation has been created good, by God, is entirely countercultural today.
This is truth worth holding on to tightly.
This post is taken from Today in the Word