Chance the Gardener (Chauncey Gardiner) - from the movie Being There.
Being There is one of my favorite movies because of the amazing simplicity that is offered. People are so taken aback by Chauncey's common sense (of which he is oblivious) that he is deemed a genius.
One of the best things that you can do as a dad is quite simple. It is so profound that many men miss the power of this one behavior that impacts their children so deeply.
What is this behavior? Look at the title of this post.
BEING THERE. That is what kids need.
Did you know that a dead father is a better father than an absent father?
Did you know that a dead father is a better father than an absent father?
When a dad is dead, the kids have a real reason why they don't see their dad.
When a dad is absent, kids take that personally. They ask, "what's wrong with me? Why won't my dad come and see me? Why won't my dad spend time with me?"
As a young father, one of the things I enjoyed most when my sons were old enough to sit up, was sitting on the floor and rolling a ball back and forth. When they were older, we would play catch, we would also play Nintendo together. I loved going on missions trips with them. We saw several countries and experienced several cultures together.
However, there were also times when I put them on the back burner.
I regret the time I spent serving on church boards.
Did you know that to a young boy, it doesn't matter to him whether you are on a church board or sitting on a bar stool?
What matters to him is that you're not there. When you're not there, a son imagines why his dad is not there and often imagines that something is wrong with him or you would be with him.
So, this post is written to dads and potential dads: BE THERE for your sons.
This post is written for church boards: let the young dads spend time with their families and let the older dads, whose children are no longer home, serve on the church board.
So let me conclude with more simple wisdom from Chauncey:
"As long as the roots are not severed, all is well. All is well in the garden."