As were moving belongings, we could see them sniffing at things and walking around trying to find their familiar surroundings which were gone. Finally, when the entire move was done, we picked them up and placed them in their carrier. They meowed and fussed the whole time until we got to our new house. It was very uncomfortable for them to make the transition.
I was thinking about how my kittens are teaching me about eternity. I am on the lookout for the familiar. I am comfortable with my earthly home. I have not the faintest clue what eternity with God will be like. I can't imagine it. At all. I really have nothing to compare eternity to. However, God has prepared a place for me and everyone else who accepts Jesus into their life as Savior, letting God's Holy Spirit have complete and absolute leadership.
Now, that we are kinda settled in, Lucy has become quite upset and is hissing and being very unfriendly. However, Ethel has been quite positive and friendly, wanting extra time being petted and nuzzled.
I would hope that when I get to heaven, I will be more like Ethel and less like Lucy. But you never know, Lucy will probably come around.
Now you may not think that living with a couple of kittens is heavenly but living with kittens can teach you something about how God works.