However, today, I'm disgusted about Tim Tebow. I'm not disgusted with him, I'm proud of him and his example as a man, a real man. I'm disgusted that a $1,000,000 hit has been placed on his head. A website that encourages affairs and lascivious living has stated that $1,000,000 will be awarded to anyone who can come up with real evidence that Tebow is not a virgin.
Wow. That's just flabbergasting. I'm flummoxed. I'm fuming. Tebow needs our prayers for his protection. We have a man who is trying to turn the tide in the professional athlete arena and make being a real man respectable. Tebow has not been shy about being a Christian and being a virgin. He is a real man. A real man is faithful in all areas of his life, especially his sex life. Before you read further, stop. Say a prayer for Tebow as he brings his Christian witness to a society who believes that all Christians are hypocrites.
This lewd website has placed Christian virtue on the chopping block. Tebow has stuck his neck out for God and what can we do to help him? I've talked to some men about this and I have been surprised at some of the answers I have received. "Wow! I would love to be Tebow and have women chasing me!" or "I don't know how Tebow will be able to resist. He's gonna give in some day." Before you get too upset at the quotes from these two men about Tebow, I want to warn you, these quotes came from Christian men...
Is that what we Christian men expect nowadays? We can't resist temptation? All men are weak and eventually give in to lust, greed, etc.? A man is no match for a woman who wants to have sex with him?
Come on, I've heard enough of this. Men, stand up. Be men. Be counted worthy of bearing the name Christian. If you really think that you and all men will eventually give in to sin, just stop now. Stop calling yourself a Christian. Stop embarrassing the name of Christ.
If you want to make a difference, be a real man like Tebow.
Repent of the attitude that sin is stronger than Christ.
God's Word tells us that we are no longer slaves to sin but are now slaves to righteousness.
Pray for Tebow.