A few sentences from each post gives you an idea of what the post is about. Click on the title to go to the post:
January 2015 - Don't be holy in theory only. This post by my friend, The Seeking Disciple, reminds us to pray to God that He would empower us to holiness (1 Thessalonians 5:23-24). Oh for holiness to be preached in the power of the Holy Spirit!
February 2015 - Teaching Tithing. This personal post discusses how I taught by son about tithing.
March 2015 - Mental telepathy and Christianity. This personal post discusses my personal interaction with a married missionary couple who claimed they could read each other's mind.
April 2015 - Just Jesus and me at the Crucifixion. This personal post discusses how God spoke to me during my participation in the an Easter Musical.
May 2015 - The gospel according to my brother. This post is by my pastor, Rev DeCrastos. His brother explains to him "The presence of weeds, tells us our needs."
June 2015 - Setting guardrails in life. This personal post is about the dangers of Facebook and other possible dangers in life.
July 2015 - Is P.O.D. justified in using the "F" word? This personal post is about how the use of the "F" word may be appropriate in certain instances.
August 2015 - Why teen girls are having sex earlier. This post was reprinted at the request of a wife of one of our Ironstrikes men. The title gives you an idea of what the post is about.
September 2015 - A conversation about swearing. This personal post duplicates a conversation about swearing from a theological discussion room on Facebook.
October 2015 - The Great American Novel. This personal post is about the song made famous by Larry Norman.
November 2015 - Teenager arrested in murder of pastor's wife. This post is about a tragic event that happened here in Indianapolis.
December 2015 - Bible stories for strong stomachs. I review this wonderful book by family friend, Dr Barry Callen. You will want to purchase and read it.