Few things are more deadly to marriage than negativity – especially in its most alluring form of pessimism.
In fact, if couples could be given a vaccine against pessimistic thinking we would see the divorce rate all but drop off.
In a sense, you can protect your marriage against a pessimistic virus. All it takes is a little encouragement.
Some marriage partners see every problem as unsolvable. They believe one problem will ruin everything. So they quit trying. They give up, resigned to passivity. They raise the white flag and surrender to the problems of life they could otherwise beat.
A different group of spouses see their problems as mere obstacles, as challenges to overcome. They face a difficult situation at work or with a friend and work hard to work it through. They don’t give up.
Do you know the difference between these two groups of married couples?
Marriage experts do.
Research has shown time and again that all it takes for many people to persevere in the midst of a difficulty is an encouraging word from their spouse:
“I believe in you.”
“You have what it takes.”
“You are doing great.”
Seemingly small and insignificant, these simple statements almost go unnoticed. But not by the person on the receiving end.
Encouragement brings strength and can make the difference between a spouse who gives up and a partner who perseveres.
In specific terms, how will you express a word of encouragement to your spouse today?
this post was written by Drs Les & Leslie Parrott. You can find their site here: www.lesandleslie.com