After leaving the hit CBS sitcom Two and a Half Men, actor Angus T Jones, known as on the show as Jake Harper, Charlie Sheen's nephew, has traded the bright lights of Hollywood sets for church pews.
Jones, 20, who in 2010 became the highest paid child actor in television history at 17 netting $300,000 per episode, left the show last year at the end of the tenth season after he made controversial comments that he had embraced Christianity and found the role he was playing didn't jive well with his religious values. He made negative remarks about the series and said he wanted to exit.
In a video posted in November 2012 by The Forerunner Chronicles, Jones discussed why he decided to get closer to his Christian background. He also said, 'If you watch ‘Two and a Half Men,’ please stop watching [it]…I’m on ‘Two and a Half Men’; I don’t want to be on it. Please stop watching it. Please stop filling your head with filth.'
Now sporting a scruffy beard and long hair, Jones, who lives in Colorado where he attends the University of Colorado in Boulder, has fully embraced Christianity, and he visits churches across the country, speaking about God and religion.
When he left the show, Jones walked away from a popular role that made him a rich teenger. At the time, he was making $350,000 per episode, or $8.4 million a season. His net worth is estimated at $15 million, according to
Jones spoke at World Harvest Outreach, a Seventh-Day Adventist congregation. He read from the Bible and also told parishioners why he embraced Christianity.
“I really want to come into the light because I know that is where the healing is and I’ve seen God do amazing things,” said Jones.
“He really considers his relationship with God and what he’s putting out in the atmosphere to be a lot more important than his reputation in Hollywood,' World Harvest Outreach Church Pastor James R. Doggett Sr., told KHOU. 'Angus, I’m not sure really cares a whole lot about being an actor or being well known in that regard.'
Although Jones has left acting for now, he says he may not be gone for long.
“There’s a few different productions that like do kind of Bible-based stories. Stuff like that,” Jones said.
This post was adapted from The Daily Mail. Read more: