Several weeks ago, I was giving announcements at the church that I pastor. It was the beginning of the service so people were getting settled in and focusing on what God was going to reveal to them in this space. Attempting to keep a certain amount of professionalism and solemnity, I read the bullet points to remind the congregation of events happening in our church.
As soon as I started communicating this important information, my daughter saw me at the front and ran to my side. She completely disregarded the normal rules of church decorum and hugged my leg. She didn’t care who witnessed this. She just wanted to be by my side.
In my instance, my daughter didn’t understand that we don’t do things like this in church (so we think). We think every moment has to be scripted and polished or the Holy Spirit will refuse to show up. All my daughter wanted was to be near me.
In the same way, God tells us we can approach Him. We can anytime and in any circumstance. He wants to be near us and He wants us to want to be near Him. We are His children and we are called to approach the throne with boldness. We certainly fear Him in the name of respect, but we also know there is strength, comfort, and peace in His presence. Prayer is an activity that allows this interaction. He loves us so much that He invites us to this type of relationship.
Lean into Him today and approach Him with boldness. Completely disregard what the world thinks and run after Him.
Prayer for today: Abba Father, help me to be even closer to you than ever before. Fill me with peace and comfort during life’s trials. Amen.
This post was written by Rev DeCrastos.
You can find his blog here: www.ministrysauce.com