If we were to be honest with ourselves, our prayer lives can sometimes become very inwardly focused. Certainly, we are expected to pray for our needs, and even our future, but I think it is possible to get into the habit of presenting prayer needs that look more like grocery lists to God than honest petitions. When we do this, we miss many of God’s blessings and our faith remains stagnant, because we are keeping ourselves blind to the miracles happening around us.
Our faith grows when we see God’s mighty hand at work in the world around us. Inward focus develops things like bitterness, discouragement, and grumbling. We still recognize things God is doing around us, but we complain because we are not the recipients of that same blessing. This spiritual posture also creates a domino effect in which we begin to even criticize His work in the world.
When our faith grows because of outward focus, we tend to see God’s hand in so many areas we once took for granted. “Carrying each other’s burdens” means that you partner with someone hurting or deeply in need and you count their answer to pray as your own. When we do this, our prayer time becomes longer but much fuller. People look at us as prayer warriors.
I think we all can admit that we can’t fight the world’s battles alone. Lift someone up and you will be lifted.
Let’s be warriors today.
Prayer for today: God, guide me and help me be a prayer partner for someone today. Help me to open my heart to the burdens of others, and truly seek wisdom in their plight. Amen.
This post was written by Rev DeCrastos.
You can find his blog here: www.ministrysauce.com