"I like when all people pay attention to me and my children at church as this is a 'safe' place. I assume most people have the best intentions, therefore, I'm not hugely suspicious and take them at face value. I want my children to be in the company of strong Christian men of all ages and stages. I appreciate the ones that come alone probably more so as they are not coming to church 'for a woman', be it a girlfriend or a mother, but on their own accord. I want my boys to have a personal relationship with God, not vicariously through others, including a woman (me included!). I don't frequent singles groups at church so I haven't experienced many instances of 'creepiness'. Maybe I'm naïve, but any man praising God in His house is welcome to speak to me and my children.
I guess it depends on what they say too...Don't compliment anything on my person or any physical attribute. Do, however, compliment me on how impressed you are by my children, and say it where they can hear and can benefit from it as well."
A few conclusions I draw from her comments:
- Maybe some of my paranoia that my intentions would be misunderstood are unfounded
- This mother appreciates it when men take the time to recognize her children and comment positively on their behavior, noting that she wants her children to overhear such complements
- Men who praise God and come to church because they want to are the kinds of men that she wants to influence her children