A few weeks ago, I stumbled upon a very interesting documentary. This movie was rather short, but it followed the daily life of a man who lived in a way most of us would never consider living. This man lived in his car. I know what you are thinking…you may think that this occurrence is common enough, but simply making ones home in a station wagon does not give a full picture of this man’s life. This man, who is probably in his mid-40’s has not actually stepped out of his car in 7 years. The documentary answered the obvious questions we would have, and, sure enough it is all true. People bring him supplies, he orders fast food, he goes to gas stations where the workers pump the gas, mechanics work on the car with him in it, he has a job as a delivery driver, and the bathroom mechanics are all accounted for by pouring waste out of the back hatch into the woods.
He tells the story of when he bought the car he currently owns. He loved it so much, that it caused a rift and eventual divorce from his, now, ex-wife. This man describes in detail the comfort and solace he finds in this vehicle and the makeshift bed in the back emphasizes his point. One comment that was made in this film was that he felt so free being able to travel at a moment’s notice.
We can spend a lot of time judging this man, and acknowledging his emotionally impaired status. It is easy for us to throw figurative stones when we see an extreme living condition such as this. If we were to be honest, many of us could claim a similar mentality in the way we navigate our spiritual lives. We have become so comfortable with the sin and vices that weigh us down, or even the damaging thought processes we allow that it becomes part of us in an unhealthy way. We know God wants to free us from sin, and we even pray for freedom, but we secretly desire to return to our old ways because of familiarity. Maybe you are reading this today and you feel far away from God and you have never asked Him for restoration. It could be you have spent your life searching for what will make you feel free, but it has always resulted in captivity. You may have even convinced yourself that you are not living in bondage and being weighed down, but the truth is you are confined.
God is in the business of healing and transformation. You can be set free. It will not be comfortable at first. Don’t allow the devil to whisper lies into your ear that lead you to a path of destruction. Embrace Jesus today. Step out of your captivity.
Prayer for today: God, thank you for who you called me to be. Help me to live in freedom and help me to avoid the temptation to revert back to where I way. Make me into a new creation. Amen
This post was written by Rev DeCrastos. You can find his blog here: ministrysauce.com