Monday was a great day to talk about the concept of love. Not only is it the day in which we honor the legacy of an American hero (Martin Luther King Jr.), but it also reflects an urgent need for our world. Day by day we see hate and vitriol in the context of words and unfortunate actions from people we have given our trust. We are seeing, right before our eyes, the true manifestation of what it means to live in a fallen world. Darkness is all around us.
Christians are called to rise above the decaying behavior the world perpetuates. Lashing out in anger, hate, and rudeness reflects a mentality that does not look, sound, or think like Jesus. If we are not loving others, we are walking away from the purpose we were placed on this earth to pursue.
The fact is we may not always agree with everyone around us, but we certainly have the ability to look at our neighbor with compassion. Differences in personalities, political rivalries, race, or even past interactions are not valid excuses to abandon the calling Jesus has for reconciliation.
I don’t want to be called a liar. Do you? We can prevent this by showing love, standing firm in our faith, and praying that God would continue to grant us an ever-growing capacity for understanding and respect.
Seek people to show love to today. Counteract the world’s darkness.
Prayer for today: Father, grow my heart so that more of you will fit. Take over my life so that you are fully in charge. Amen.
This post was written by Rev DeCrastos. You can find his blog here: www.ministrysauce.com