Obviously, there is a level of sarcasm in the previous paragraph. There are not many people I know that would state these things out loud. An informal survey among people who call themselves church going Christians would yield great answers concerning the work of God. One would hear the amazing stories of how God has brought people through addiction, divorce, the loss of a family member, and even financial difficulty. In return and overwhelming majority would agree that God can be trusted and should be followed. They may even regularly talk about their pastor’s sermons and how he/ she has challenged them to give their whole self to God. There would be no disagreement with this…until it comes to actually doing it.
Here is the problem with following God. He has brought us through so much, has provided for us, and has even shown us miracles, but sometimes it is not convenient to trust Him. We love seeing the impossible made possible, but we would rather not provide the space for Him to do more than we could even ask or imagine. This occurs most often when we talk about finances. We acknowledge that God has given us these resources in the first place, but our behavior states that we cannot trust Him with them. Fear overcomes.
In today’s culture, the average Christian gives a little over 2 percent of their income to God’s kingdom. This is usually after all the bills are paid and it is deemed possible by our standards. In the same regard, we will pray fervently for God to bless our finances. How can God bless something we never hand over for Him to bless? It is like asking the mechanic to fix your car but never allowing the mechanic to look at it.
Truly trust in God today.
Test Him to see if He actually keeps His promises.
This post was written by Rev DeCrastos. For the original post, go to: http://other-words.net/2012/11/06/fear-shaped-living/