Lucy is a cat that investigates everything and if anything is missing, she is the culprit.
Ethel is a cat that prefers to watch Lucy get into trouble and sit on the sidelines. (Fitting that their names reflect their personality.) However, I noticed one thing that is similar about both of them. They act like they are the center of the universe. You know the old saying, "Dogs have owners but cats have staff." That adage seems to run true with Lucy and Ethel.
Funny thing, these cats remind me of my own selfishness. I can do pretty good and look out for others and try to serve Karyn but eventually, I resort to my old man and think, "I am God." I can tell you that when I think I'm God, I am not very much like God. God showed His Love thru sacrificing His Son Jesus. Jesus showed His Love by emptying Himself of His Godliness and "took the form of a servant (Phil 2:7)."
So, that is my challenge to you. Will you join me in putting yourself last? Know that this is not done by firm resolve. The only thing that keeps us men from being selfish is connecting with God regularly. Paul coined the term "I die every day." A godly man dies to selfishness, pride of life, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes because these are not from God but from the world.
Are you gonna be a real man?