From ivory towers, or empowered calls
At one time they stood so tall
Thinking they were immortal
The firey end that pride brings
When once they acted as kings
Enjoying power and such nice things
Basking in sin’s basic reward
Above the law was their boast
Pleasure to the uttermost
Their passion became their ghost
And left their values behind
What once was their first love
No longer fit like a glove
Their power no longer from above
And their blessing became self made
For them, the way they can restore
That which the enemy broke and tore
Their pride, their soul, what they had before
Must come from the one who knows
The one who knows their very life
Who can pull them out of sinful strife
Who can cut to the heart like a knife
And expose lies with the truth
Flee to the still small voice
Giants who have forgotten how to rejoice
Cleanse your heart with one simple choice
Repent and be restored.
This poem was written by Rev Landon DeCrastos. You can find his blog here: