Someone who is confident; someone on the go
A person who has life all figured out
A person whose life is defined by doubt
I become so frustrated with those who do not believe
I wish so much that they could achieve
…a life that is defined by joy, hope, and love
a life with power bestowed from above
I get so mad at those who refuse
I feel they have their life and soul to lose
But then, I realize, to this story; there is more
Because I have not given them a great example to explore
I have not always lived as I should each day
and have not shown people how to drive doubt away
But still: for those who do not know
It is odd, because I have seen that youthful glow
…of an elderly soul that waited long to committ
to surrender his will as God saw fit
…of a woman who was violated, used and chained
…by the very habits that kept her soul stained
It is odd to talk with someone who refuses to see
…because the one who they deny happens to live in me.
A God that doesn’t exist; they could not possibly obey
That makes sense, I suppose, but I just spoke with Him today.
He says hello: and He hopes that you hear
..that He loves you: despite the fact you think He is not near.
This poem was written by Rev Landon DeCrastos. For the original post, go to: http://other-words.net/2014/10/17/he-says-hello/