Sexual impurity has become rampant in the church because we've ignored the costly work of obedience to God's standards as individuals, asking too often, "How far can I go and still be called a Christian?" We've crafted an image and may even seem sexually pure while permitting our eyes to play freely when no one is around,
avoiding the hard work of being sexually pure.
A search for mere excellence is an inadequate approach to God, leaving us vulnerable to snare after snare. Our only hope is obedience.
If we don't kill every hint of immorality, we'll be captured by our tendency as males to draw sexual gratification and chemical highs through our eyes. Be we can't deal with our maleness until we first reject our right to mix standards. As we ask, "How holy can I be?" we must pray and commit to a new relationship with God, fully aligned with His call to obedience.
This material is taken from Every Man's Battle.