- Women like to touch. Men like to feel.
- Women enjoy courting. Men prefer to get on with it.
- Women like to talk about their love. Men prefer to show it by their actions.
- Women like the ambiance to be right: subdued light, candles, soft music, and maybe even having the TV on during sex.
- Women like to take their time, savoring each moment, each touch. Men are "get it over quickly" compulsives.
- Men like morning sex. They're rested and wake up with an erection. Women prefer a late-evening rendezvous with time for preparation.
- Men want sex more frequently than women. Quantity is preferred over quality for men.
- Men are adventurous. They like to explore and experiment. Women find one way that is most comfortable and prefer to stick with it.
- Men take sexual rejection very personally, no matter how gently it is presented. Their masculinity is integral to their sexuality.
- On this one terrific point, men and women don't differ: they both derive tremendous excitement from seeing their partners being satisfied.