How rich is God? It is somewhat of a silly question isn’t it? When we think of richness we think of fat wallets, financial advisors and storage facilities full of “stuff”. So, the question still remains. How rich is God? Or, maybe I should ask…How much “stuff” does God have? It seems like a foreign thought to have because we never think of God sitting on his throne in Heaven, and right next to Him, a security guard whose purpose is to protect His collection of gold and diamonds. Yet, at the same time, we know God has more than we do. The fact is, God has everything. Every square inch of the universe is His. Sometimes we forget that the same God who created everything can meet our needs. He personally know us by names and cares about our needs. As humans, we frequently fall short of our supply of anything we can think of; both spiritual and physical. For some reason, we tend to think that God can only use what we already have in limited supply. When we pray for things we do not possess, or manufacture, God provides (in His timing) from His own resources. We become so frustrated when a lost familiy member is not listening to truth, or a bill is coming due we cannot afford, but God can make miracles happen.
Do you believe it? You should, because it happens every day. Trust Him today and anticipate His amazing provision. Believing in this truth will make your heart a more habitable space for God's love and power. Then, when you experience His power, you more quickly testify to others; thus passing on the blessing. You become more rooted and established and ready to be an ambassador for God's kingdom (the richest kingdom around).
Prayer for today: God, I know you know my heart and what I need. I ask that you show me a miracle today in the area that I am the most burdened about. I need you more than an answer. Thank you for being my deliverer and my provider. Amen.
This post was written by Rev DeCrastos.
You can find his blog here: www.ministrysauce.com