In pace with a familiar tune I reach for nothing less but
something more
All the day and the wind is at my back most of the way.
Holding conversation with a friend I know is near
Great anticipation fills my soul, it fills my heart, it fills the air
All the day and the wind is at my back ..
Oh, I can't wait to see you, Jesus, face to face
Nothing in this world can take Your place
All the pride of man laid low and all his works of gold
Nothing can compare with what You are
Let everything else go.
Let it all go.
And the wind is at my back ..
Oh, I can't wait to see you Jesus, face to face
Nothing in this world can take Your place
All the pride of man laid low and all his works of gold
Nothing can compare with what You are
Let everything else go.
Let it all go
Let everything else go.
These are the lyrics to the song, Let Everything Else Go by Phil Keaggy
To hear this song, go to: http://vimeo.com/68046057
Don't leave this page without hearing this song. It will quickly become a favorite of yours too!