This Jihawg Ammo (http://www.jihawg.com) comes with catch phrases: "Peace thru Pork" and "Put some ham in MoHAMed" among others. As a Christian, I am disturbed by such statements, such advertisements and such a product. By lacing these bullets with pork, it makes them unclean to Muslims. So, the premise is, Islamic terrorists believe that if they die in a Jihad, that they go to heaven. However, if an Islamic terrorist is killed by Jihawg ammo, then he will go to hell.
Why am I disturbed? There is an interesting scene in the movie, "End of the Spear" In that movie Nate Saint is asked by his son Steve Saint, "If the Waodoni attack, will you defend yourself? Will you use your guns?" Nate Saint replied, "Son, we can't shoot the Waodoni. They are not ready for heaven... we are." If you recall, in this movie, Nate Saint and several other missionaries were killed by the Waodoni. They did NOT use their guns except to fire into the air in attempts to frighten their attackers.
This post is not about pacifism nor is it about self-defense. This post is about what this product does to me at an internal level. That's where I am disturbed. It makes me wonder if we Christians, really truly care about those who oppose us? Abraham Lincoln put it well. If Jihawg ammo was around when he was president, I think he would have again said, "the best way to destroy your enemy is to make him your friend." Jesus put it better, "if you just love those who love you, what good are you?"
But what about those individuals "from the OTHER political party"? Do you want to get rid of THOSE people or are you loving them?
But what about "THOSE from another race," "THOSE from another religion," "THOSE gays, THOSE homeless, THOSE kids, THOSE old people, THOSE druggies, THOSE crazies, THOSE perverts, etc" The list can go on and on and on...
THOSE. THEM. OTHER. Words that don't share the love of Christ.
As a Christian, how are we to treat those who don't agree with us? Pray for their destruction? Shoot them? Send them to hell? Avoid them? Not allow them into our church?
I am not innocent. This post is written for me as well as you. What must we do as Christians?
We need to reach people for Christ.