As the sons of these two men grew up, they each went their respective ways, moving to various parts of the country. The difference was, the pastor's sons wanted to return to see their father. The sons, all leaders in their own right in different parts of the country, enjoyed their father's advice, steadiness, humble strength and faith in God.
The cattleman's sons did not want to see their father.
In fact, they did their best to avoid him.
Unfortunately, when they would visit their father, it wasn't uncommon for the cattleman and his sons to physically as well as verbally fight each other. They would argue over cattle, land, money, food. The cattleman's sons also had trouble in staying married to their first wives. They and their children experienced the pain of separation, divorce, remarriage, anger, suspicion and the like.
So, now, we are getting to the end of our story. What happened to these two men? These men chose different paths for themselves and their family experienced the consequences of these men's choices.
The cattleman died. He didn't experience a long illness. Just one day, he was no longer part of this earth. The world woke up one morning and he did not. The land and the cattle that he once owned were divided and sold. His sons avoided each other. The sensuality that the cattleman pursued, led to disjointed, isolated, marginally spiritual offspring. His children rarely got together. When they did, peace did not rule their relationships.
The pastor lived a long life. He outlived the cattleman by a good 20 years. His children stayed faithful to their spouses. Interestingly, the years after the cattleman died became very rich for the pastor. God's blessings increased exponentially. God increased his faithfulness with abundance. The pastor enjoyed his children, his grandchildren and quite a few great-grandchildren. The pastor had made several, quiet, steady investments over the years and he found that he was experiencing the most financial success he had ever had. He needed nothing. God gave him all he needed and more.
More importantly, the pastor enjoyed the spiritual success of his progeny. Several of them followed in his footsteps and went into full-time ministry. The other children became integral parts of their respective churches, supporting God's work both inside and outside the church. All became leaders in their community/profession. The pastor was able to see his heritage for several generations. God blessed him with the opportunity to see that his steadiness, and his pursuit of "God first" paid off with eternal rewards.
You see not only did this pastor and his progeny do well, but many of the people who were affected by his ministry over the years were blessed by this pastor's steadiness and quiet confidence in God's ability to care for his children.
However, just when it seems like a story is over, God does something amazing. Just when you think you have God all figured out, He moves. Tomorrow we will discuss Esau Redeemed.