What is the secret of this marvelous resistance and endurance? How can this slender plant face the fury of the elements so successfully, and, in spite of storms and tempests, keep its hold, and perpetuate itself from century to century?
The answer has leaped to every lip: It reaches down into the still depths, where it fixes its grasp after the fashion of the instincts that has been put into it, to the naked rocks; and no commotion of the waters can shake it from its fastenings.
When a man has deep and inner clingings to God, when the roots of his life go down and take hold on God, mere surface agitation and pressures will not overcome him. He may be floated here and there within a given sweep like a plant bosomed on the sea, and there may be times when it is very rough and the strain is great, but he will survive and preserve his integrity.
written by F.A. Noble, pages 16-17 in One Thousand Evangelistic Illustrations. edited by Webb, A. (1924). New York: Harper & Brothers Publishers