How is your sex life?
That’s a fair question, isn’t it? After all, sexuality is not a given, something that somehow miraculously takes care of itself once we enter marriage. It needs nurture, tenderness, education and—are you ready for this—religion.
It’s a fact.
Religion, according to some studies, is good for your sex life. As strange as it may sound, there is a strong link in marriage between spirituality and sexuality.
Married couples who cultivate spiritual intimacy are far more likely to report higher satisfaction with their sex life than other couples.
This fact makes sense if you think about it. The mysteries, wonders, and pleasures of sex in marriage are a divine gift to celebrate. Those who try to limit sex to procreation are simply ignoring the Bible.
Scripture — right from the beginning — enthusiastically affirms sex within the bonds of marriage.
Start with the first chapter of the Bible. It contains a magnificent comment on the meaning of sexuality in marriage. As God is bringing the universe into existence we are told that the human creation is set apart from all others, for it is the imago Dei, the image of God: “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them” (Gen. 1:27).
Our maleness and femaleness is not just an accidental arrangement of the human species. Our male and female sexuality is related to our creation in the image of God.
This point is echoed throughout scripture.
And Jesus certainly underscores a high view of sex in marriage when he refers to the Genesis passage and then adds, “So they are no longer two, but one. Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate” (Matt. 19:6).
In the Old Testament and in the New Testament, in the Gospels and in the Epistles, is found the call to celebrate sexuality in marriage. There is no denying that your spiritual growth helps to enhance your sexual intimacy in marriage.
So, we’ll ask it again. How’s your sex life? We don’t need you to tell us (really, we don’t). But it’s an important question to ask each other from time to time.
This post was written by Drs Les & Leslie Parrott. You can find them at www.lesandleslie.com