In case you have been living under a rock, Stephen Hawking is a brilliant scientist, considered tops in his field. He has received numerous awards and accolades including the highest civilian award presented by the United States, the Presidential Medal of Freedom.
Regrettably, Dr. Hawking has a very serious degenerative motor neurone disease. He is now almost completely paralyzed and communicates with a speech generator. Hawking is also known for his atheism.
What can Hawking teach us about being a real man?
Hawking helps men to see that sex is not only about the body. Hawking cannot move his body. He cannot make his body do sexual things. He has been married twice and has children, so he obviously knows what sex is, he has sexual experience.
His mind is trapped in a body that doesn't respond. It would be easy to conclude that Hawking can no longer engage in sexual sin. Nevertheless, Hawking confirms Jesus' teaching about sexual sin. Jesus stated that if a man looks at a woman lustfully, then he has committed adultery.
The article referenced that Dr. Hawking pays young, naked dancers to perform privately for him. What do you think he does with his mind while these naked women are dancing for him? Surely, he's not thinking, "what a pleasant person, I wonder how well she cooks? I would like to understand her better and ask her about her family."
I'll bet you that he is thinking quite impure thoughts about these women.
So, where does Hawking leave us in our quest to be a real man?
The answer is not to just stop sinful behavior. Our goal is to stop sinful behavior before it starts. We are to make our thoughts captive to the obedience of Christ. We are to be pure in mind as well as body.
A real man understands that if he entertains impure thoughts, he is engaging in sin.
Right now, while you are reading this, take an inventory of your thought life.
Do you let your mind wander when you see an attractive woman?
Do you fantasize about things you would like to do but don't because you could get caught?
Know this. God knows your thoughts and He wants you to think about women respectfully. Every woman is someone's daughter, sister or mother.
A real man trains his mind not just his body.