The man, who is truly humble, is not troubled and disquieted at those unavoidable imperfections which exist in his own person and mind. It is very true that he sometimes mourns over them, as the indications and sad results of our fallen condition; but so far as they cannot be corrected, so far as they are really unavoidable, he submits to them, however painful they may be, as facts and incidentsin his condition and being which originate in the wise dispensations of an unsearchable Providence. It is true, he is thus cut off from many ways or forms of usefulness; but, though afflicted, he does not allow himself to be disquieted. He is aided in thus maintaining himself in interior rest, by the important consideration that God, when he sends intellectual or bodily imperfections and weaknesses, and thus renders a person apparently useless, can avail himself of other instrumentalities and operate in other ways.
— edited from Religious Maxims (1846) by Thomas Cogswell Upham. His blog is managed by Craig L Adams and can be found here: