A father, who was sleeping with his children in the top garret, was suddenly awakened by the flames and smoke. The man sprang out of bed and vaulted to the window of the next house. Thus placing his feel firmly against the window sill, he launched his body forward and grasped the window of the burning house, and shouting to the eldest boy he said, "Now, my boy, make haste, crawl over my body." This was done. The second and the third followed. The fourth, a little fellow, would only do so after much persuasion, but as he was passing on he heard his father say, "Quick! Quick! Quick! I can not hold out much longer," as as the voices of friends were heard announcing his safety, the hold of the man relaxed, and with a heavy crash fell a lifeless corpse into the court below.
So Jesus, in His own sacred body, provides a bridge whereby we may cross the chasm between us and God. The way home is through the rent vail, the crucified flesh of our Immanuel.
W.T. Aitken, page 26 in One Thousand Evangelistic Illustrations, edited by Webb, A. (1924). New York: Harper & Brothers Publishers