As is frequently the case, he blamed others for his behavior. However, there was a wrinkle in his story. He told me that he had been called to be a youth pastor and he had asked his pastor about being a youth worker. Coincidentally, shortly after this man approached the pastor about being a youth worker, a couple of young ladies had told the pastor about something. "They told this pastor that I had flashed them when they were at a party. It just wasn't true. I told the pastor that I was working out in my living room and there was a party at my neighbors and I looked out the window and saw those two girls going into the home. They looked at me standing at my window and thought I was naked and ran inside screaming. I didn't think anything of it because I had my clothes on." The pastor believed the girls and denied his request to help in the church's youth group. He was floored when the pastor told him no, as he had education in religion.
His history was familiar. He had a distant father, an overbearing mother and his life was rife with broken romantic relationships. Pornography was important to him and was a regular activity. He blamed his pornography addiction on God for giving him such a "strong sex drive." However, being a Christian, he was quick to point out that he had never had intercourse, yet he also admitted to compulsive masturbation and hours lost in fantasizing about the woman he would marry who would make all of his dreams come true.
Needless to say, this man needed a lot of help. Not only was he in heavy denial about his public activity but he was also blaming God for his private activity.
God has something to say about this: "those who live only to satisfy their own sinful nature will harvest decay and death from that sinful nature."
I've lost track of this guy.
I wonder... Is he a youth worker at some church now?
Just a side note... I hope that this man serves as a reminder to ALWAYS check out individuals who want to work with children and teenagers. Sometimes, their motives are not the best.