When I get to heaven I can’t wait to ask David, Elijah, or Moses what it was like.’ But I think it will be just the opposite in heaven. Before we can ask David what it was like to slay a giant, to win the battles, he’ll say, Tell me what it was like on earth to have the Holy Spirit inside of you, giving you strength when you are weak. We might say to Elijah, What was it like to call down fire from heaven before the prophets of Baal and to raise that boy from the dead? And I think Elijah might say, yeah, he actually ended up dying again. You tell me what it’s like to have God living inside of you. What was it like to live life on earth with the Holy Spirit giving you joy when you’re depressed or giving you the power to overcome that sin in your life? We might say to Moses, What was it like to follow the cloud by day and the fire by night? What was it like to meet with God on that Mountain? And Moses might say, I had to climb that mountain to meet with God. You tell me what it was like to have him dwell in you everyday. What was it like to have the Holy Spirit giving you directions when you didn’t know what to do or where to go?”
-Not a Fan: Becoming a Completely Committed Follower of Jesus Christ, Kyle Idleman
This excerpt is provided by Rev DeCrastos. For his blog, go to: http://other-words.net/2014/07/01/power-given/