I am not sure what it is, but there is something about the name of Jesus that truly means something. In the public sector, the name of Jesus has caused so much trouble, so many court cases, and corporate complaints. Why? I mean...it is just a word, right? It still is somewhat confusing to me, because there aren't names out there in textbooks, or who have celebrity status who bring about such a reaction.
When one says the phrase, "the name of Jesus" the common misconception is that they are only talking about the first name on Christ's birth certificate (if He had one). My name is Landon, but that word only goes as far as my unique identity. With Jesus, though, there is something more powerful going on. The name of Jesus not only refers to who He is, but is also refers to His purpose. "Jesus", broken down into the original language, literally means God saves, rescues or delivers.
So, when His name is mentioned, why are there such reactions across the globe? I think it is because people are comfortably acclimated to their captivity. It is an unpopular notion in our culture that anyone needs rescued. In fact, it is actually taboo to have the compassion to point out that people are drowning in a sea of lostness. People have told me that the words I say are somewhat judgmental simply because I am extending a hand and pointing to a way out of their pain. This is the reality we live in. The world is a dark place, and the name of Jesus says it all...God saves, rescues, and delivers.
Reach up...find your way out of the darkness. Call on His name and you will be saved. Also, lead others to the rescue.
Prayer for today: Father, please help me to be a part of your kingdom work. Help me no matter how unpopular your name is. Fill me with your power today. Amen
This post was written by Rev DeCrastos.
You can find his blog here: www.ministrysauce.com