Further, this Christian is stingy with their emotions and material possessions. Money often becomes a battleground. They insist that the church do things their way and is unaware of the rage they provoke in others when plans are set aside on behalf of their nitpicking demands.
Unfortunately, this character often ends up as the church treasurer or runs church meetings and runs these meetings strictly by the latest edition of Roberts Rules. They will argue points of order, procedures and motions so that the point of the meeting becomes lost and the members are frustrated. They fail to see the humor in many situations.
They can also take on the role of being the person who notices every tiny infraction by church members. The overscrupulous Christian engages in biblical nitpicking and tends to use certain sections of God's Word as litmus tests, passing judgment on the spiritual state of those who don't agree with their interpretation. Further, it is not uncommon for them to feel much anxiety about their Christian walk and worry about committing the unpardonable sin.
How can the church help the overscrupulous Christian?
The core concern to be addressed with them is "what is your God like?" They tend to have a Pharaoh for god. God, from their perspective, is One who is perpetually demanding. The whole perception of a God of deliverance from the slave pits, One who can release them from the burden of guilt, shame and sin, a God who has a "wideness in His mercy" and whose love is broader than than they can perceive -- is the message we want to convey by our presence and our responses to these burden bearers who take on the world's load.
Many thanks to the deceased Dr. Oates from whom much of this information is taken. His seminal work Behind the Masks should be read by those in positions of leadership in the church.