2. We have a deep, passionate love for Jesus. “The Sex Talk” can quickly turn into a list of don’ts! But what we need to be teaching our kids is the whys. If we do our job properly, our kids should want to abstain, based out of their deep, abiding, passionate love for Jesus. The Bible is full of don’t verses (Acts 15:29, Romans 1:29, 1 Corinthians 6:13–18). While certainly it’s critical that we teach our kids the truth of God’s Word, we also need to convince them to obey His Word out of love, devotion, and passion for Him.
3. Sex before marriage is robbery. When we choose to follow Christ, the reality is that we are God’s sons and daughters. And when we have sex outside of marriage, we’re stealing the virginity and purity of others who belong to God. Those things are His, a precious treasure that He has reserved only for the future spouse of that person. I know this is a bold statement, but we must honor God’s kids! We must value them, treating them with gentleness, love, kindness, and care. We need to treat them as precious and holy! Because that’s what they are in His eyes.
This post was taken from the booklet Sex, Lust and XXX: Fighting for your kids' purity in a sex saturated world.