The book of Isaiah is filled with beautiful and vivid imagery that helps the reader understand God's love for humanity. This love is the kind of love that surpasses our mistakes, thought patterns, and sinful tendencies.
Over and over again in the record of history, God finds ways to show His love. If you remember, we talked about this last week when it was established that God has made so many excuses to convey that steadfast love with us. This passage emphasizes that same characteristic but in a slightly different way. Isaiah confirms God's promise to be the protector of His people no matter the circumstance.
This week, I preached about the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in the book of Daniel. To quickly review, these 3 men refused to bow down to the king's golden statue, they got caught, thus thrown into a fiery furnace. An angel of the Lord came and saved them and they emerged unscathed. The lesson from this was not one that was supposed to teach "God-haters" a lesson but to show all people that our gracious Creator, who we follow, will be with us in the fire.
In the story in Daniel, the king was changed by the fact that these men came out alive and we realize, in the same way, that people are changed by our testimony of God's miracles in our lives.
This passage in Isaiah is the same concept as we see in the book of Daniel, only from God's perspective. God wanted His people to remember all the times He came through for them. All of the times they came out unburned, victorious, and walked on dry ground in the middle of a river or sea. He wanted them to know that He is still with them and will not leave.
Today, I encourage you to take some time and think about the last trial that God brought you through. After locating that event in your memory, praise Him for the result. You will grow because of it.
Prayer for today: God, I thank you for your protection and being with me even when I feel burdened. Help me to more easily see your faithfulness. Amen.
This post was written by Rev DeCrastos. You can find his blog here: ministrysauce.com