1. “Lord, You are more precious than silver… Lord, You are more costly than golf.”
2. Easter. The line was supposed to read “We were naked and poor” but instead it read “We were naked and poop.” Quite possibly the best typo of all time. I could not stop laughing for the rest of the song. It was epic.
3. ‘Defender of the week’ like Jesus is getting an award for being great at sports.
4. When we lived in Latin America: the line in the song was supposed to be “levantando manos santas” (lifting holy hands) but they wrote “monos” (monkeys) instead of “manos” and put that on the screen. Lifting holy monkeys. Um hmm. People standing around us thought the shekinah glory had come over us.
5. “Our God is greeter, our God is stronger.” I like that image. God greeting us as we walk into church. He’s like the little old lady who shakes our hands, only…He is God and God gives high fives! I assumed they left out the “a” and forgot to embrace the contraction, so I sing: “Our God’s a greeter.”
6. I made the power points for our colleges ministry and had a slide that, instead of saying Jesus my closest friend, said Jesus my closet friend. Don’t know how many people’s experience I ruined.
7. When I saw “Oh Lord Your Beautiful”, I wanted to stab my eyes. But I chose to say nothing. It was years ago. The fact that I still remember it means something.
8. I’ve noticed that, when we are singing “How He Loves,” the phrase “sloppy wet” gets misspelled to “unforeseen.” Not even close! C’mon, media team!
9. Lion of God turned into “Loin of God.” Fail. My bad.
10. I create the lyric sheets for our small fellowship, and one Sunday the “strumpets” were calling during Days of Elijah. Oops.
11. The slide said “four our sins He died.” Someone behind me asked if we’re on our own for the fifth sin.
12. The best one I have seen was: Amazon love, how can it be?
13. I’m personally a fan of “Angles We Have Heard on High” at Christmastime. I always assume they are right angles.
14. I once attended a performance of Handel’s “Messiah” where the phrase “surely He has borne our griefs” was printed as “surely He has borne our briefs” in the programs given to the audience. I laughed for a while.
15. My favorite? It was in the song “The Great I Am.” “Holy, Holy, Guacamole…”
16. My favorite is not a song lyric–it’s a typo in the Lord’s Prayer: “forgive us our debits as we forgive our debitors…” Not exactly the same meaning.
This post was written by Jon Acuff. For the original post with comments, go to: http://www.jonacuff.com/stuffchristianslike/2013/06/top-16-worship-music-typos/