First, man said, "I have sinned"; second, man said, "I was afraid"; third, man said, "I have hid myself"; fourth, man said, "I am undone." The reader will notice that these four questions and answers locate man in any condition, in any age of this old world. We find that every question God has ever asked man comes under the head of one of these four questions, and we find in these four confessions that man has made every confession that it is possible for man to make on earth.
How well I remember when I made my first confession to God, "I have sinned," but I meant it from my heart, and God listened to my confession and then said to me, "Are you willing to forsake?" and I said, "Yes, Lord, I forsake all known sin." God said, "Though thou art guilty, yet by confessing and forsaking your sins heaven is simply promised to the man that will forsake all known sin." And the Lord gave me to understand that every redeemed saint that is now in glory went over the same route that I was then traveling. But let us remember, the Book said, "He that covereth his sins, shall not prosper, but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy."
Then the apostle said upon another occasion, "With the heart man believeth unto righteousness and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation." May God grant that every sinner that is now on the face of the earth may draw close enough to God to hear Him say, "Where art thou?" and may he answer from the deep of his heart, "I have sinned, but I now turn my back on sin and my face toward God." This is the whole plan of salvation. There is nothing better on earth that a sinner can do than to confess and forsake and to repent of and to turn his back on sin, and nothing on earth he can do that is better than to turn his face toward God and look up through his tears and plead for mercy through the shed blood of the dying Son of God.
Thank God, when I gave up all sin and set my face to go to heaven, Jesus was there to meet me, to help me over the hills and rough places of life.
Praise His name forever and ever!
Robinson, Reuben A. (Bud). The Collected Works of 'Uncle Bud' Robinson (Kindle Locations 3730-3749). Jawbone Digital. Kindle Edition.