Beloved, we are now getting ready to put on our gospel shoes. For again we notice that Moses said to the Israelites that they were to receive the lamb with their shoes on their feet. We read in another place that Moses said that their shoes were to be iron and brass, so I am not surprised now when I think of it that the Israelites wore their shoes for forty years, and we nowhere read that they had to have them half-soled or new heels put on them. Well, beloved, think of a man with iron shoes on, how well protected he is. At a glance you can see that this man can wade through thorns and thistles and briars. He can climb over rocks and hills and mountains for years and never get a thorn in his toe nor a briar in his heel. And of course there is no danger of a man stumping off a toenail. If a great rattlesnake or a copperhead or a boa-constrictor or any of these dangerous reptiles that man has to fight along the path of life undertakes to bother a man with a pair of iron shoes on, he can stamp his head into the ground and mash it as flat as a pancake. There is no danger of a fellow getting snakebitten.
I thank the Lord that a man can have a pair of gospel shoes made out of iron, glory to God for such protection! Thank the Lord for the good things that are coming our way at last. Beloved, iron shoes are quite a fortune. In the next place, if a bulldog would come out of a fence corner and growl at a fellow with iron shoes on, he could simply kick that dog in the under jaw and turn him two double somersaults, and hand him a few good kicks in the short ribs that would open the eyes of that pup and let him realize at once that he had made the wrong choice, and that old warrior wouldn't be bothered any more with a bulldog soon.
Beloved, just think of what a dangerous weapon an iron shoe is to rattlesnakes and bulldogs, and what a wonderful protection they are to a pilgrim as he travels through this world. I wouldn't take anything in the world for mine. St. Paul one day looked down at his iron shoes and a big smile played up and down his face and he said, "Gentlemen, I am shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace," and he turned and said to me, "So run that ye may obtain," and I said, "Bless God, I am everlastingly at it."
Beloved, if a man can have such preparation as we find here offered to the saints, there is no reason in the world why we should hobble around and complain of the little difficulties of life, for a man that is so well shod as the pilgrims were need not fear the rough places of life. We have noticed that he was well clothed with his oriental garment on, and now with his gospel shoes, with his soul on a stretch for the glory land. There is no power on earth or in the pit of darkness that can keep the man from going through. There is no way to keep the Devil from tempting him, but there is no power that the Devil has that can make us yield. No man has to yield to the temptation of the Devil unless he wants to, for our heavenly Father has said, "I will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able to bear, but will with the temptation make a way of escape." We see from the above quotation that when the Devil comes up and throws down a temptation before you, that Jesus walks up and lays down the way of escape by the side of it, and so we will say praise God from whom all blessings flow, and buckle up our belt and put on our shoes and start for the race.
There is another interesting fact about this case and it is this, that no man will ever start anywhere until he puts on his shoes. As long as a man lays around in the morning barefooted until his wife gets breakfast, too lazy to knock the flies off his nose, and with barely enough life to knock the bumblebees off his toes, let it be remembered that that man will never get anything done, but you take the old boy that rolls out of bed at break of day and while he is shaking the sand out of his socks with one hand, he is knocking the mud off his heels with the other, that man is going to make a corn crop, and no make-believe about it, and what is true in the literal world is also true in the spiritual world. Amen! So get a move on you and let's meet at the marriage supper of the Lamb. But don't undertake to come without your shoes on, for if you do they won't let you in.
Robinson, Reuben A. (Bud). The Collected Works of 'Uncle Bud' Robinson (Kindle Locations 3568-3598). Jawbone Digital. Kindle Edition.