Beloved, the last lesson we will give you from the 12th chapter of Exodus is on the blood. We read in this chapter that Moses said, "Ye shall strike the blood on the two side posts, and on the upper door posts," then he adds, "And when I see the blood I will pass over you." The blood of the lamb that was used in the Passover is a beautiful type of the blood of Christ. The lamb himself was a type of Christ and the lamb had to shed its blood before it could be used by the Israelites, and Christ had, to shed His blood before He could redeem a lost world. The blood of the lamb was to be the protection that was thrown around the Israelites, and this blood was to keep back the death angel from entering their home, for every person that did not have the blood on his front door posts, and upper posts, there was a corpse found in that home, and just as truly as the blood protected the Israelites, the blood of Jesus is to be the protection of His people in a world of sin, for it is through the blood of Jesus Christ that we are delivered from sin and the power of the Devil and delivered from eternal death. We even read in the Bible that the angels desire to look into this great salvation and that the songs of the redeemed in the holy city will be concerning the blood of the Son of God. The blood had to be put on the two side posts and the upper door posts as a public sign or example. The command was not to put it on the back posts of the door, on the door steps even, but it was to be put on the front door, and beloved, you can't imagine any old Israelite that night when the death angel was going through the land with a drawn sword leaving a corpse in every home, that any of those people that night would have been ashamed of the blood, and the greatest protection that ever came to a band of slaves was the blood of the lamb, and the little family was safe in his mud hut in the land of Goshen. Therefore that wonderful transaction that took place that night in the land of Egypt is called the Passover.
It was so named or called the Passover simply from the fact that the destroying angel passed over every house that had blood on the door. Again it pointed to the death and sufferings of Christ, when He too, should give up His life and shed His blood to redeem not only Israel but the whole world. And from the day of the shedding of the blood of Christ until this present hour all mankind can look back to the hill of Calvary and see a bleeding victim on the cross which means that there is a deliverance for me from my sin and bondage to the Devil. Thank the Lord, the blood will not only pardon the guilt that is found in the heart of a lost sinner, but will also cleanse and purify the heart of a justified believer. In trying to describe this great salvation we have often said that it was blood-red and snowwhite and red-hot and sky-blue, and as straight as a gun-stick. We have used this language because we probably had no better language to use.
Robinson, Reuben A. (Bud). The Collected Works of 'Uncle Bud' Robinson (Kindle Locations 3645-3665). Jawbone Digital. Kindle Edition.