We notice again in this remarkable chapter that Moses told the Israelites to receive the lamb in haste. We understand by this that the time had come when they were to receive the lamb and leave bondage or reject the lamb and stay in Egypt. Egyptian bondage is a type of sin, so understood by the majority at least, of the Bible readers. Pharaoh is a type of the Devil, and Egyptian bondage a type of the work the Devil puts poor sinners to doing, for while the Israelites gathered straw and made brick and worked in the slime-pits under the lash of the taskmaster, they were then away from God's country and on the Devil's territory, and they were servants and serving their enemy, which is the most remarkable picture of the life of sin that is given in the Old Testament. Every man knows, that will think for a moment, that every sinner is serving his enemy, for the greatest enemy any sinner has ever had has been the Devil, and the only friend he ever had was Jesus and yet strange as it seems, sinners will serve the Devil and reject Jesus Christ. Now Moses had been planning for some time to leave Egyptian bondage with the Israelites, and the plan was to go into the land of Canaan which represents God's country, and the lamb had been killed, and the Passover was made ready, and finally the time came when they had stayed in Egypt their last day and up till the last night, and now they were to arise at once and go with Moses out of Egypt, or stay there and perish. His command was, "Receive the lamb in haste." This means to get up and get out of there. It meant, "Don't delay in your going, for every one that delayeth will perish."
It is just so with us today. The time comes when every man must give up sin and go with Jesus Christ or stay in sin and perish eternally. After reading and traveling and talking with people for years I am convinced that multiplied thousands of saints today received Christ on their very last call of mercy. The time came when they had their last call. They realized that God was giving them their last and final call to mercy; hence, we have heard them say by the thousands, "I just barely got in on my last chance." I am sure that they felt that way about it, and they felt truly that if they rejected Jesus Christ one more time He would never pay any more attention to them. In their testimony they have said publicly, "If I had rejected Jesus Christ one more time, it was so plain to me that I would never have another call to mercy that I fairly ran to the altar of prayer and begged God for the sake of my lost soul to have mercy."
Oh, beloved, multiplied thousands have gotten in on their last call. But think of the sad millions that have heard the call so often, and have turned a deaf ear so many times and said no to God and hardened their own hearts, stiffened their own necks, choked and stifled their own convictions that the blessed Holy Ghost had brought to their hearts until God left them, until today we have a nation of God-forgetters and Christ-despisers, and Holy Ghost rejecters, and sad as this statement may seem, God pays no more attention to them than if they had no soul. The buggy horse they drive has just as much conviction now as they have. You might say, "Why is this?" We answer the time came when they were to receive Christ in haste or reject Him and perish, and they shook their head for the last time at God, and God's dealings with them closed. In a few years or maybe a few weeks on their dying bed darkness will settle down over them, they will have no feelings, their friends may pray, they will show but little or no concern, their testimony will be, "I am lost," and the next dealing they will have with God will be at the judgment bar, for we remember the words of Jesus when He said to the Jews, "How often would I have gathered you together as a hen gathers her chickens under her wing, but ye would not, therefore your house is left unto you desolate, for I would and ye would not." So Jesus walked out of their temple and shook the dust from His feet as a testimony against them, and said, "Your house is left desolate." He never went back to it.
Robinson, Reuben A. (Bud). The Collected Works of 'Uncle Bud' Robinson (Kindle Locations 3615-3643). Jawbone Digital. Kindle Edition.