Many have complained that Facebook not only destroyed their relationships but even ended their marriages.
But how big is the problem? Are these just isolated issues or is the problem more widespread?
To answer this important question, the research team at Stop Procrastinating went in search of the facts. We surveyed 5000 people about Facebook and relationships to identify the problem. And what a problem it is! The statistics speak for themselves.
Given our findings, it’s no wonder people are looking to block Facebook from their computers and Smartphones. Many are now quitting Facebook and starting a life free of the social media empire.
The full results were:
26% said they had argued with their partner because they felt neglected as updating Facebook was more important to their other half.
44% said Facebook ruined romantic moments, such as candle-lit dinners or walks, as their partner felt the need to update Facebook about it instead of enjoying the moment.
32% said they felt a loss of intimacy in the bedroom because their partner checked Facebook in bed.
22% said Facebook made it easier to keep in touch with people they had met casually. This meant, they said, it was more likely to lead to an affair as a result as they could easily find them and friend them on Facebook and ask them to meet up again.
17% has been tempted to get in touch with an ex-partner with the objective of having an affair.
47% felt they had been guilty of emotional cheating on Facebook
46% said they had monitored a partner’s activity on Facebook due to jealousy.
67% were not surprised that Facebook was cited in increasing numbers of divorce case as evidence of ex-marital affairs.
Tim Rollins, Research Director at Stop Procrastinating, said: "Facebook is a place to meet and keep in touch with friends. Only sometimes those friends are long lost lovers or people you've meet casually and didn't think you'd bump into again. Facebook is designed to you never lose touch with anyone ever again. The result is that more people falling in love on the platform, having affairs and flirting when they shouldn't be."
The survey was undertaken with 5000 people controlled for age across the country using standard research methodologies.
Stop Procrastinating is a leading research and evidence-based website. For more information, go to: http://www.stopprocrastinatingapp.com/facebook-ruins-relationships