- Don't feed your lust. Cut out anything in your life that feeds it. Don't dwell on thoughts that foster it. Dispose of all sources of stimulation that provoke your lustfulness.
- Develop alternative diversionary strategies. Find a hobby or activity that you can turn to when your feelings of lust become overwhelming.
- Change your beliefs about sexual lust. Remind yourself that pictures are only pictures, not people, and that you don't have a right to take anyone you desire to bed with you in your imagination.
- Observe how others who have allowed their lust to go too far have fallen and learn your lesson from their failures, not your own. Prevention is better than cure.
- Try to find the underlying reason for your lust, beyond just blaming it on your "strong sex drive." Lots of men have a strong drive, but are not dominated by lust. Were you love-deprived as a child? Sexually abused/dominated? Getting these repressed reasons out into the light can help free you from their hidden power.
- If you cannot bring your lust under control, get professional help.
Adapted from The Sexual Man: Masculinity without guilt